SASEC Road Connectivity Project (SRCP)
The Project will improve/upgrade of one double-lane highway and two feeder roads, a total of 188 km, in the eastern region of Nepal, to provide an alternate road for the East-West Highway (EWH), allow all-weather road facility to two district headquarters and contribute to development and expansion of the Strategic Road Network (SRN). The Project is consistent with the Government’s Three Year Plan (TYP) 2010/11-2012/13, the Sector Wide Road Program (SWRP), and the Priority Investment Plan (PIP). The Ministry of Physical Planning Works and Transport Management (MPPWTM) is the Executing Agency and the Department of Roads (DOR) is the Implementing Agency (the Employer).
MSV will assist the DOR with the supervision of civil works construction of SRCP roads and to ensure that high-quality construction is achieved in the scheduled time period, within budget and that the work is carried out in full compliance with the approved engineering designs, technical specifications within the terms and condition of the contract documents and sound engineering practices.