Code of Conduct & Ethics Policy
This “Code of Conduct and Work Ethics Policy” (the “Policy”) has been formulated in order to foster and maintain employee trust and confidence in the professionalism and the integrity of the employees of the Company by ensuring that all employees adhere to appropriate standards of conduct as set out in this Policy, which maintains and enhances the reputation of the Company.
This Policy aims to provide guidance to all employees of the Company on how and in what manner the conduct of employees should be when they are undertaking business on behalf of the Company.
The circumstances of conducts as set out below in this Policy, although not exhaustive, are intended to cover those situations which are most likely perceived to be encountered by employees. In case any employee encounters any circumstance which is not covered hereunder, or in case of any doubt, employees should seek guidance from the Reporting Manager/ Managing Director and act accordingly.
A breach of the policy may result in disciplinary action against the employee concerned, including dismissal and / or legal action.
The Company’s reputation and credibility are based upon its total commitment to ethical business practices and also on the ethical conduct of its employees. To safeguard the Company’s reputation, employees must conduct themselves in accordance with the highest ethical standards and also be perceived to be acting ethically at all times. Compliance with all policies of the Company, relevant applicable laws and regulations is the minimum standard which should be adhered to by all the employees all the times.
MSV is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified Company.