
Times of India

MSV’s name goes into history books as Independent Engineer.
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Times of India

QC for 6100 km roads
in Bihar, India
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Hindustan Times
US firm to check quality of roads in bihar read more
Arunachal TIMES
Independent Engineering and monotoring agency (IRMA) for Arunachal Pradesh, India read more
Pollution abetment for Ranchi lake under NLCP, Bihar, India read more
Economic Times- Punjab
State Highway Improvement Project, Punjab, India read more
Asian Development Bank MP
Madhya Pradesh Roads Sector Project (MPDRIISP), India read more
Asian Development Bank, Nepal
SASEC Road Connectivity Project, Nepal read more
World Bank
North Estate Road Investment Program, Nepal read more
State Times
MSV to Conduct TPI of Jammu Smart City Project, Jammu read more

Global Icon Award to Chairman
Address by Mr. Pushkar Malik

Mr. Malik, Chairman MSV
Invited on CNBC TV

Brief Profile of MSV
by MD. Mr. Pushkar Malik

Danik Jagran

Danik Bhaskar

Mr. Pushkar Malik, Managing Director of MSV, was the Keynote speaker at the India Infrastructure third annual conference on Bridges, Flyovers and Elevated MRTS Structures, New Delhi, India in 2012.

He spoke about the new trends and emerging technologies in Bridge Design and Construction.

Mr. Suresh Malik travelled with the President of the United States of America, Mr. Bill Clinton, as an official delegate when President Clinton visited India. The name of the CEO of MSV International, Inc. Mr. Suresh Malik, published in Outlook Magazine.

Mr. Pushkar Malik, Managing Director of MSV, presented his views on “Business difficulties faced by Indian Firms working in Argentina and ways to improve it”, to his Excellency, Daniel Chuburu, Ambassador of Argentina to India at a “Think Global Conference” organized by the International Trade Council in Jan 2020.


MSV wins the SMEBIZZ Award for the “best infrastructure company of the year 2021”

Another Feather in MSVs Cap…MSV won the SMEBIZZ award for the “Best infrastructure company of the year 2021”. Pushkar Malik, Managing Director Receiving the Award Trophy!

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