Independent Engineer services for Two Laning Plus of Kotakpura- Muktsar Road
Independent Engineer services for Two Laning Plus of Kotakpura- Muktsar Road (SH-16) in the State of Punjab through Public-Private Partnership on Design, Build, Finance, Operate and Transfer (DBFOT) basis. Punjab State
MSV is required to independently review activities associated with design, design review, during construction, required quality assurance and quality control tests and operation and maintenance of the project on behalf of both PUNJAB, PWD B&R and Concessionaire so as to ensure compliance of the requirements of the provisions of Concession Agreement . Also, report to PUNJAB, PWD B&R on the Financial, Technical and physical progress of implementation aspects of the project, assist the parties in arriving at an amicable settlement of disputes, if any. The selection of Independent Engineer shall follow the laid down procedures given in the Concession Agreement signed between PUNJAB, PWD B&R and the Concessionaire for this DBFOT project.