4-Lane divided carriage way, Adityapur – Kandra road, Jharkhand, India
Feasibility and Preparation of Detailed Project Report for 4-Lane divided carriage way with both side service lanes for Adityapur – Kandra road length, Client- Jharkhand Accelerated Road Development Corpoartion Limited (JARDCL), Jharkhand, India
Adityapur Kandra project corridor traverses through settlements, agriculture and industrial areas. Consultant was responsible for complete project preparation of the roadway. The services provided during study and investigation stages included detailed reconnaissance surveys; identification of possible improvements in the existing alignment
and bypassing congested locations; alignment option study by using Satellite imageries with resolution of 1m*1m (IKONOS imagery), detailed topographic surveying of the final alignment by Total Station and GPS (Dual Frequency, Real time kinematic) incorporation of all details of surface features by using remote sensing data and customizing it into GIS based software (Arc view), inventory and condition surveys of road and bridges, cross – drainage structures; storm drainage provisions; detailed topographic surveys; hydraulic surveys and analysis, geo-technical investigations, sub-soil investigations; construction material source identification and collection of data required for environmental and social impact assessments.