City Development Road Project & Sanitation System, Amritsar, India

3rd party Quality Control & Quality Assurance Consultants for overall city Development Road Project& Sanitation System at Amritsar, Punjab, Client: Municipal Corporation Amritsar
The Project is improvement of city street side walls, storm, sewer & streets lighting and sanitation system including public toilets. The Consults has to ensure that all the works carried out under this programme fully- comply with engineering designs, technical specification, drawings, established code & sound engineering practices and contract documents. To carry out quality assurance and technical audit during construction phase. The Consultants shall perform filed inspection by way of checking 20-25% of the total work independently and advice to MCA supervision team in accordance’s with quality assurance programme.
Independent Quality Assurance Consultants For 3rd Party Inspection of Greater Ludhiana Area Development Authority’s (Glada) Works, Ludhiana.
The project involves 3rd Party Quality Control of various work of upgrading / construction of infrastructure facilities consultants has been appointed as IQAC by GLADA for a period of 2 years to monitor all works to be under taken in GLADA including City Streets, Street Lighting, Sanitation, Public Toilets, Storm Sewers, Sanitary Sewers, Water Supply, solid waste, vegetable, fruit Markets, Bus Stands, Rickshow Stands, Schools, Govt. Building, Heritage Structures,