Matkuli-Tamia-Chhindwara, Chandpur-Alirajpur-Kukshi-Badwani and Mandsaur-Sitamau road, India

Independent Consultant for Matkuli-Tamia-Chhindwara, Chandpur-Alirajpur-Kukshi-Badwani and Mandsaur-Sitamau road on BOT Basis, Length 252 Kms., Construction Cost US$ 44.57 Million, Madhya Pradesh, India
The Madhya Pradesh Road Development Corporation Ltd. (MPRDC) has taken up the task of “Upgradation, rehabilitation and strengthening of Matkuli-Tamia-Chhindwara, Chandpur-Alirajpur-Kukshi-Badwani and Mandsaur-Sitamau Road on BOT Basis”. The total length of all three roads combined is 252 kms. Project cost of all three roads combined is Rs. 187.18 Crores. MPRDC has
given a Grant of Rs. 72.71 Crores out of the total cost. The Matkuli-Tamia-Chindwara road (SH-19) project consists of three sections namely, Matkuli to Tamia (52 km.), Tamia to Parasia (27 km.) and Parsia to Chindwara. The total road length is 108 kms and is construction cost is Rs. 98.91 Crores. The Chandpur-Alirajpur-Kukshi-Badwani road (SH-26) consists of two sections namely, Badwani-Kukshi-Alirajpur (50 Km.) and Alirajpur to Gujrat Border (22 km.). The total road length is 100 kms and is construction cost is Rs. 63.02 Crores. The Mandasru-Sitamau (upto Rajasthan Border) road (SH-14) project consists of one section Mandsaur to Sitamau (upto Rajasthan Border). The total road length is 44kms and is construction cost is Rs. 24.25 Crores. Work primarily involves the strengthening of road along with the reconstruction and overlay as per the requirement. It also includes repair/ reconstruction of the Cross Drainage works.