Multiple Roads in Jhajjar District of Haryana, India

Construction Supervision for the work of Upgradation of Sahlawas Amboli Bithla Dhakla SH-22 Including Jatwara Approach Road & Chhuchakwas (MDR-130) Achej Peharipur, Malikpur Satipur Road in Jhajjar District.
For the Social and Economic development of the Haryana state, the Government of Haryana has initiated to improve selected roads of the State. The Haryana State Roads & Bridges Development Corporation Limited (HSRDC) is responsible for the Development, maintenance and management of Mega Highways entrusted to it and for matters connected for incidental thereto within the territory of Haryana State.
The Haryana State Roads & Bridges Development Corporation Limited (HSRDC) has assigned the task of “Construction Supervision Consultancy For The Work Of Upgradation Of Sahlawas Amboli Bithla Dhakla Sh-22 Including Jatwara Approach Road & Chhuchakwas (Mdr-130) Achej Peharipur, Malikpur Satipur Road In Jhajjar District” to consultant. Work primarily involves the strengthening of road along with the reconstruction and overlay as per the requirement. It also includes repair/ reconstruction of the Cross Drainage works.
The Consultant is selected on QCBS bases after Technical Qualification to work on behalf of HSRDC for the “Construction Supervision Consultancy For The Work Of Upgradation Of Sahlawas Amboli Bithla Dhakla Sh-22 Including Jatwara Approach Road & Chhuchak was (Mdr-130) Achej Peharipur, Malikpur Satipur Road In Jhajjar District”.