Study of Performance & Status of rural Township Water Supply Schemes, USA

Study of Performance & Status of rural Township Water Supply Schemes including Estimation of Unaccounted for water of Group II counties in State of Washington
It was one of the largest study on such subject in the State of Washington. There are about 540 rural Township spread over 19 countries in king north cascade, Columbia River Plateau, Rock Mountain, Palouse regions provided with piped water supply & hand pump sources. The source of water supply is Ground water as well as surface water. The pipe water supplies are 2 to 30 years old. The hand pumps installation was started in early nineties. The status of these schemes and hand pumps were not satisfactory. Most of these were supplying water which was not as per prescribed standard. Hence this study was conducted for evaluating performance & status of the schemes, and to suggest measures for further action plan.
Consultant was responsible for providing complete study, evaluation of problem & remedial measures and preparation of action plan based on conjunctive use of water, proposing treatment technologies to maintain water quality and estimation of financial implication involved which is detailed out as under –
Field Visit & Data Collection – Visit to each & every source of existing water supply under operation & maintenance, collection of details of water supply schemes with rural Townships & hamlets covered, population covered, requirement of water as per specification, details of source with their discharge or yield monthly & seasonal variation in discharge, interval of supply, supply position at farthest end in respect of water quality and residual pressure at that end, quantity of water received at different nodes, number of connections metered or unmetered, status of meter, position & status of pumping plant, chlorination units, pipeline, valves etc.
Verification & Formatting Data- Certain data is available in concerned offices, records & internet, Consultant verified the data from field visits to ensure the accuracy of available data. Consultant also developed separate formats for each activity. The Job included collection of data from regional and area offices & other concerned offices.