Andhra Pradesh Community Tank Management Project, India
Third Party Quality Control And Quality Assurance Consultancy (Unit-V) For Rehabilitation To Tank Systems And
Implementation Of Tank Safety Remedial Works Under Andhra Pradesh Community Based Tank Management Project (APCBTMP)
Under Andhra Pradesh Community Based Tank Management Project (APCBTMP), about 3000 tanks across 21 districts of Andhra Pradesh will be rehabilitation / restored. About 284 minor irrigation tanks are proposed to be rehabilitated under Unit-V of the project. The number of tanks to be monitored and reported on by the consultant is 87. Unit-V includes the districts of Kurnool (12 tanks), Nellore (62 tanks) and Prakasam District (13 tanks). The consultants will carry out Quality Control & Quality Assurance work for a sample of these tanks. The estimated number of tests to be carried out is 883. The consultancy services to be provided will include:
Design review of design / drawings provided by client; To ensure that the quality of works along with workmanship is conforming to technical specifications, contract documents, designs/drawings, relevant Indian standards; To ensure sound construction procedures including deployment of the ‘state of the art / improved devices / engineering instruments’ to expedite quality control testing; To undertake monitoring of the quality of materials used, construction procedures as per the agreed designs, and the quality of outputs at various construction stages as per the bid specifications;
To carry out the field tests required for assuring the quality in presence client and any other agency as per TOR; To give expertise measures for rectifying the defects observed during the inspection; To inspect the works in design aspects and suggest for quality and sustainability; To test check the accuracy of the methodology and equipment used in the QC labs/ in situ & To build capacities of quality control staff of project department and any other agency identified by client through appropriate professional training.