Mahan Bam Highway, Iran
Consultancy Services Supervision of Emergency Rehabilitation of the Mahan – Bam – Rostamabad (190 Km.) Highway – WORLD BANK FUNDED
The project involves rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Mahan Bam Highway in Kerman Province in Iran. Kerman province. This project is part of Restoration of Bam City, which was destroyed during the earthquake in 2003. The Project is proposed to be constructed with an average roadway width of about 11m. It consists of an asphalted riding carriageway with average width of 7.30m and two earthen shoulders of 1.85 to 2 m on both sides.The objectives of the Bam Earthquake Emergency Reconstruction Project (BEERP) are to: a. restore the living conditions of the communities affected by the earthquake; b. improve emergency preparedness in the Province of Kerman and the District of Bam and; c. strengthen the planning and management capacity under the reconstruction program.