STIUEIP Water Project, Nepal
Secondary Towns Integrated Urban Environmental Improvement Project (STIUEIP) Butwal. ADB Funded Project. The Department of Urban Development and Building Construction (DUDBC), under the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW), through the Government of Nepal, has received Loan 2650-NEP Integrated Secondary Towns Urban Environmental Improvement Project (STIUEIP or the Project) from the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The Ministry of Physical Planning and Works (MPPW) is the executing agency (EA) for the Project, working through DUDBC and Biratnagar, Butwal and Birganj and Kavre municipalities are the implementing agencies (IAs). The Project will implement urban environmental improvement, on an integrated basis, in the areas including sewerage and drainage, solid waste, and urban roads and lanes in the Biratnagar, Birgunj and Butwal municipalities, and in water supply development in Butwal and Kavre valley. It will also include community development programs such as awareness-raising on health and hygiene and 3R (reduce, reuse, and recycle) and investment in small-scale community facilities in these project municipalities, and will strengthen the capacity of the municipalities and the central government for project management and operation. The Project will be implemented over a five-year period from 2010 to 2015.
The following are the expected outputs of the Project:
- Drainage and sewerage systems improved in Biratnagar and Birgunj
- Urban roads and lanes improved in Biratnagar and Birgunj
- Solid waste management systems improved in Birgunj and Butwal
- Water supply systems expanded in Kavre valley and Butwal
- Other urban infrastructure facilities in the auto village improved in Butwal
- Community development program undertaken, including health and hygiene education, 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) promotion, skills training, and
- investment in small-scale community facilities in Biratnagar, Birgunj and Butwal
Undertaken design and construction management activities for all subprojects for Butwal municipality under the Project. The DSC will work under the overall guidance and control of the PIU. The DSC will, through the PIU, also report to the PCO, which will guide, supervise, and monitor the overall project implementation and assist the PIU in reviewing all technical and other submissions from the DSC. The DSC will carry out the activities during the following Project phases: (i) detailed design and procurement assistance phase, and (ii) construction management and post-construction management phase. While the first phase is expected to take about one year depending on the subproject, followed by 0.75 years for the bidding period, the second phase is estimated to take up to 2 years. Rest of the consulting service period will be expended for post construction phase.